Friday, December 31, 2010
Woke Up
I sure want to call this thing anxiety, trepidation, or bothered. For the next three minutes I'm going with excitement, exhuberance, good shit is happening---really good shit. As our friend Sarah Halley says: 'Let's watch!'
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I get to dress like me----not the way "me" is suppose to dress. I get to think like me----not the way "me" was taught to think. I get to create something in a way that feels right to me---eventhough it may disturb someone else. You get the idea. It's not about being a jerk or irrenvernet just for the sake of it===this is about being true to ourselves.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Gifting Game
Gifts are cool but can we make it even more fun? What kinds of games can you think of? Scavenger Hunts for sure---but what else would ramp this baby up even higher?
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Child is Re-Born
Hum a great song, skip, smile, opening doors, a pat on the back, making a wish, being grateful, getting on our knees to pray, believing in Santa Claus, angels, and dreams coming true. Ahhh!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Captain Confidence
I am humming the Sesame Street theme song right now. It helps me write in confidence---with a hop in my fingers. What can you do to help you act in confidence and joy today.
Stop Drop Roll
This is a great technique. The more you do it the better you get at it. It is really liberating to learn that we can take control of our thinking. My friend and mentor Bob Megil taught me that we need to train our brains to be our best friend. This seems like a life-long training program to me.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tidal Waves
Let's see, what can I do differently? What would be new and fun? Hummmmmmm? Let me look at my calendar---I'm going to buy myself a skateboard.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Right Next Door
I just emailed Oprah today's game. That was easy. I didn't even have to leave my chair. And it was free too! Play deserves a place on the cover of her magazine. We deserve a place on the cover of her magazine. Can you help us do that? Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey that was easy too!
Tuscan Soup
Did you try it? What recipe did you make. One of these days we'd love to try Cindy's idea and have a whole dinner party based on back of the can/box recipes.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Injury Time Out
You may have to take one today---maybe its a major time out, or maybe just a few seconds. It's ok to get injured---you didn't do anything wrong---enjoy the time--then hop right back in with a renewed sense of gusto and gratitude.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Break Something
Wow--this is crazy--break something on purpose. Just the idea of it gives me the feeling that I am breaking some serious taboo---I feel like a little kid who is about to get in real trouble. Here I go-------------
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sharp Ojbects
What is something really valuable that you can play with today. Remember that play involves curiosity in action---experimentation, discovery, delight too.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tattoo You
A blank piece of paper is just that -- blank. But when we write a shopping list on it or a love note it becomes something so much more. The paper takes on a meaning and has a purpose. What if today treated our bodies as that blank piece of paper and used it to make us so much more, to give us meaning and purpose? Think of how you would like to feel today -- happy, smart, alive, well you get the idea, the possibilities are endless. Then grab a pen, --or if you’re feeling bold, a marker -- and write those words somewhere on your body (the bottoms of your feet, the tops of your kneecaps, between your fingers). We promise, you'll laugh just doing it! Then tonight when you are getting ready for bed, read what you wrote on yourself and see if the words made any difference in your day. Become so much more today – forget the taboo of writing only on paper and tattoo you!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Word Watching
ooh there goes a horned- beak 'you always.' Look up in that tree---do you see it---the red tailed 'that really pisses me off.' What words have you seen flying around today?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Celebrate Good Times
I had a friend--his mom and dad would pick some radomn day of the year---like #237. Then they would celebrate it. Get a hotel--a night out on the town---a little romance. What a cool thing to do.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cobb on the Corn
Playmeisters Marcus and McHattie are sitting trying to figure out something. Is there anyone one thing in life that actually does have a right way to do it? So far we haven't come up with one thing. Can you help us?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
We can't wait to hear some of your 'dumbest' ideas today. Here's one of mine---I have this idea for a crazy new drink. Today, I'm going to get the website going--then my friend Dan will help me send out a press release about it. Let's see where it will go.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
So what are you going to do with your 5.6 hours of play time this week? Is it easy for you to do? Hard? Impossible? Can't figure out what you want to do? No hobbies? Having a ball? Starting a new league? Can we recommend the IHSA---International Hop Scotch Association! We can't wait to hear! Have a great week!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Easy Did It
"Let there be plenty of money in our bank account" and there was. "Let there be a clean house" and there was. Wow, this 'let there be' thing is pretty powerful. How are you making great things happen with ease? Let us know. Wow, just imagine how easy we could make a great life-----
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Stop in the Name of Love
What is one thing I can stop doing today? Eating sweets before I go to bed? Worrying that I won't do good enough giving a presentation? Breathing?----I think I'll pass on that last one?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I Never
'I Never's' seep into our bodies too. Many illnesses and injuries occur because of the rigidity we build into our personalites and the fabric of our bodies. They seep down to a cellular level--and inhibit the bouncing vibration that is so critical to our lives and functioning--it effects our thinking, our feelings and the way we move. Ouch. This I Never crap is a real drag on our friends and loved ones too. so sleep naked, eat sushi, touch your wife in a new place--just don't drink and drive.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Easy Rider
Why do we 'give things our all?' Instead, let's try giving it our 'ease.' Ease is actully our genius in action--that is way more valuable than 'all' or 'best.' More fun too.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The peace and play are going great so far. Dishes, balancing the checkbook, cleaning the floor, visiting our children's school----great exercises each of them. Wow, keep this up and I'll be down right Peace-Full! Woo Hoo. What's working on your end?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Play Like a Girl
Hope and Faith are not just girls' names. They are a powerful way to live. Let's play both of these with gusto today.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Three For One
What can be your triathlon of inpsiration today? What if we alway have, within our power, the ablitiy to create our ideal day---for me, one of joy, energy, creation, inspiration, intimacy, fun, play, knowing that I am making a difference---learning something new, accomplishing a goal, receiving gifts, making a new friend.......looks like I just created a DECAthlon.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ouch! That hurt-----can you stop your self torture for a minute, an hour, the whole freakin day, a life time-----? Play Big!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Up the Ante
How's your day of complementing, appreciating and encouraging going? Guess what, I bet you are doing great; really great----
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Only Game Today
Feeling not good enough. Feeling less than. Feeling dumb because you made a mistake. So often, we play the "feeling bad" about ourselves game. And feeling bad doesn't provide anyone any real value in the end.
For many of us, we are an unwitting participant, not realizing that this is just a game that we allow ourselves to play. If you find yourself playing this game, just for today -- and maybe tomorrow -- start playing the "Feel Good" game. Here's how: whenever you think a thought that leads you to feeling bad, say to yourself, "Sorry, not today. Today is Feel Good day. I'm taking a vacation from feeling bad about myself."
What could be better? A vacation that makes you feel good and doesn't cost any money!
For many of us, we are an unwitting participant, not realizing that this is just a game that we allow ourselves to play. If you find yourself playing this game, just for today -- and maybe tomorrow -- start playing the "Feel Good" game. Here's how: whenever you think a thought that leads you to feeling bad, say to yourself, "Sorry, not today. Today is Feel Good day. I'm taking a vacation from feeling bad about myself."
What could be better? A vacation that makes you feel good and doesn't cost any money!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Adulthood 101 Living Giddy
For a long time, I thought that adults were supposed to act like a James Dean character; aloof, shut-down, tough and cynical. It also included back pain -- adults get that. Unfortunately, part of me still holds on to that image. It's a very high price to pay. It leaves me feeling aloof, shut-down, cynical and in back pain.
In trying to be an adult, I'd give away much of my joy, enthusisam, optimism, and exuberance. I lose my smile too. It may not be very adult-like, but I sure love it when I'm excited about things, believe in fairies, trust people, smile and live with gusto. I love meeting people who have a twinkle in their eye, try new things, skip, sing, hum and whistle while they work.
So here's to a new model of adulthood; one with a big grin, a joyous smirk and living a giddy, happy life!
In trying to be an adult, I'd give away much of my joy, enthusisam, optimism, and exuberance. I lose my smile too. It may not be very adult-like, but I sure love it when I'm excited about things, believe in fairies, trust people, smile and live with gusto. I love meeting people who have a twinkle in their eye, try new things, skip, sing, hum and whistle while they work.
So here's to a new model of adulthood; one with a big grin, a joyous smirk and living a giddy, happy life!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Playing at a Photo Shoot

Recently I met a really talented photographer while doing a photo shoot for a local business newspaper. We spent about an hour together sharing ideas, trying different angles and just playing with various shots. This was one of the photos that he took. What you don't know is that the first time I wrote P-L-A-Y on my hands the letters were backwards. I had to do a little scrubbing before we did a re-take! Whatever you've got going on today, don't be afraid to play with all kinds of ideas. Oh, and if you can find a willing playmate it can make the experience way more fun!
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